(2015) We talk about wanting more time as one of our “whys” at Eupraxia . After Brady & I opened the West Salem location in 2015, my dad jumped into the program because he wanted to check what we did and support us! Despite having a titanium femur due to a prior car accident AND already being in the thick of treating stage 4 prostate cancer, which had metastasized to his bones, he became a regular attendee and quickly known as the “Barefoot Ninja”. This man in his mid-60s listened intently to the nutrition advice we gave, and overhauled his diet as a result. He started supplementing with our Fish oil, vitamin D3, & probiotics. He loved our workouts and the community. He had great days and tough days, which primarily followed his chemo treatments or tests. He was a little embarrassing sometimes because he would show up in his neon shirts, long underwear, and bare feet. He acted like kickboxing was a legitimate box...