Coffee + Orphans + Adoption

We understood when we committed to adopting a child that it meant we were going to have to raise funds to make it possible.  Honestly?  It's the one piece of this entire process that has given me the heebie jeebies because it partly feels wrong.  The more we've talked about adoption with others, the more we've come to learn just how many people really like the idea of adopting, buuuut it costs way too much so they'd never move forward with it.  

We have been blown away by the support already received thus far.  We cannot express our thanks far & wide enough to those who have shown up for us in huge ways.  You are forever written in our future child's beginning.  

Why, oh, why does adoption come with such a hefty price tag when there are so many children needing homes?  For a several reasons, including: legal & agency fees, and (sometimes) supporting the expectant mother for her needs.  No, she is not "paid" to make an adoption plan, but rather assisted with very basic necessities like food and housing.  Having said all of that, our future child needs a family – and if fundraising is part of getting to him/her, then we are all in.  We are fighting for you, kiddo. 

Our church has a huge heart for adoption and foster care.  It’s partnered with Lifesong for Orphans to help offset the enormous cost of adoption for its families, so by submitting our application (more paperwork!) we recently learned that we have been awarded a $2,500 matching grant.  WOO HOO!  A matching grant means that we have to raise $2,500 in order to receive the full amount of the grant, dollar for dollar.  We are stoked to have been connected to this resources and thankful to be supported by our church family!  WE LOVE OUR CHURCH!

Through this grant we were connected with Gobena Coffee to raise those funds – and wow, you guys, we are super excited about this.  (Read about their story here).  As you can see, Gobena’s mission is to support orphans throughout the world.  100% of its funds raised go to children without families.  How incredible.

Who loves their daily cup (or pot) of coffee? 

Who wants to easily support two causes simultaneously, like our adoption + the Gobena Orphan Ministry?


You can order your coffee in a variety of delicious blends, K cups, whole beans or grounds, organic and fair trade options, mugs, shirts, cute gift sets, and all the accessories a coffee fanatic could want.  Free shipping for every $50 order.  This would make for GREAT Christmas gifts!

For every order placed, 50% of the sale goes towards our adoption and 50% goes to Gobena’s mission.  100% of the dollars you spend go towards supporting orphans.  What is not to love about this?

To make this deal even sweeter, we will personally gift any of our local friends and gym members $10 off (one) Enrich Chocolate Greens powder valid at our gym, Eupraxia West Salem, with every order placed.

We need to sell a minimum of $5,000 worth so we can receive the full matching grant from our church & Lifesong for Orphans.  This fundraiser will run through December 31st, 2018.  Yes, of course, you can place more than one order from now until then!  

It is with humble hearts and bold faith that we ask for your support in helping to get us closer to bringing our future child home to us.  We simply could not do this without you.

With love and gratitude,

Katie & Brady


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