God doesn’t call you to help all 153,000,000 orphans worldwide, but you can help one, and for that one child, you can change the world.

(Lifesong for Orphans)

It’s been a couple weeks since the big Luau Adoption Fundraiser extravaganza.  We are still organizing the aftermath in our household with grass skirts strewn about and a heap of ‘thank you’ notes to write, all while marveling at the tremendous way this event played out.

Now that it’s all wrapped up, we want to tell you that your awesome donations totaled just over $8,000, which is nearly half the guesstimated adoption cost!  (We don’t know the exact cost as it depends on how various legal &/or birth mother expenses tally up). 

This adoption – the persual of our third child – is so much bigger than us.  While we have logically understood this concept from the beginning, the support and contributions received to date have solidified just how much truth that statement holds. 

It is with heartfelt thanks that we acknowledge each of you who has been a part of this along with us, whether by attending the luau, sending well wishes, donating a silent auction item, mailing us a donation, or by praying for us as we walk this adoption road.

To date, we are applying for grants, being very conscientious of our personal spending and saving, and likely looking to plan another fundraiser in the form of a Chili Cook-Off early next year.

No news has unfolded in the adoption.  We are in a space of waiting - and refocusing on being present for each other as a married couple and for our two little people, whom we are lucky enough to call our son and daughter. 

One fun side note: We did add to our family through adoption last week via Stray Souls Animal Rescue.  This adorable face tugged at our heartstrings after the big loss of our Booker, so we met him Wednesday afternoon and brought him home four hours later. 

He's been a wonderful addition to our family.  He's approximated at 6 months old, very easy-going and gentle.  We believe he is a Lab/Shar Pei mix.  

Meet Stuart.


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